Celebrate International Wear Your Camp T-Shirt Day with Us!

It’s Camp T-Shirt Day Today!

Each year, we celebrate Camp T-Shirt Day here at Sanborn to (re)connect with our past, present, and future campers and staff throughout the country (and the world!). For many of us, finding our favorite Sanborn shirt in the t-shirt drawer feels like wearing a piece of home. Whether you have a well-worn shirt from the early days or one of our new sweatshirts from recent years, we want to see you representing your Sanborn pride by wearing your favorite SWC t-shirt today. You can show us by posting a photo with #camptshirtday and tagging us in it!

People connect with camp in so many different ways, but recent High Trails staff member Leah Herring says Camp T-Shirt Day is an awesome way to make new connections with people she works with as well as maintaining old camp relationships. Says Leah, many folks she knows in Kansas City are connected with Sanborn in some way, and when she wears her t-shirt around town, she loves “hearing their stories and seeing the excitement they get when they ask about what traditions we still have at High Trails. It also connects me to people that don’t know about Sanborn because they see me wearing High Trails shirts and ask me about my job and I get to reminisce on all the fun memories.” The simple action of putting on a t-shirt is such a strong reminder of the importance of this place and this community.

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For many of us in the Sanborn community, connecting back to camp happens off and on throughout the year, and usually by finding an old letter or picture, or revisiting a skill that takes us back to some of our most cherished memories. International Camp T-Shirt Day is a fantastic way to dust off those camp cobwebs and remember your favorite song from Sunday Rocks, the best cookie you ever had, or one of the unforgettable sunrises over Pikes Peak.

We encourage you to participate with us today and don your favorite camp t-shirt, sweatpants, sweatshirt, or the like. Either way, take today as an opportunity to reach out to an old Sanborn friend and reconnect with our greater Sanborn community.

#Happy International Wear Your Camp T-Shirt Day!

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Emily Burnham
About Emily Burnham

Emily has worn a variety of hats here at Sanborn over the years. She began as a camper, then worked on staff for four summers while affectionately known as “Edna,” taught as an instructor at High Trails Outdoor Education Center, and now works as the Assistant Director for High Trails. Her favorite things about camp include eating liberal quantities of chippy dippy bars, singing a little bit too loudly at Vespers, and watching campers accomplish incredible feats. She recently graduated with a degree in sociology from Colorado College and now lives at camp, counting down the days until summer each year.